Toronto Housing and Homelessness Service Planning Forum

The Forum is co-chaired by TAEH, SSHA (Shelter, Supports and Housing Administration, City of Toronto), and the Housing Secretariat to facilitate discussion, issue identification and priority setting for Toronto’s homelessness service system.

It is open to anyone, not only TAEH partners or City-funded service deliverers.

Click each meeting date below to read or download its materials.

Supporting materials are posted after each meeting.

Next meeting: Wednesday June 12, 2024.

To join the forum mailing list, email a request to


June 12 2024 | May 8 2024 | April 10 2024 | March 13 2024 | January 10 2024 |


December 13 2023 | October 11 2023 | September 13 2023 | July 12 2023 |

June 12 2023 | May 12 2023 | April 12 2023 | March 8 2023 | February 8 2023 | January 11 2023 |


December 12 2022 | November 16 2022 | September 14 2022 | July 13 2022

June 8 2022 | May 18 2022 | April 13 2022 | March 9 2022 | February 9 2022 | January 12 2022


November 8 2021 | October 6 2021 | July 7 2021 | June 2 2021 | May 5 2021

April 7 2021 | March 3 2021 | February 3 2021 | January 6 2021

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